It is sleepy Sunday around here. Usually I sleep, the people sleep and drink that rancid stuff that drips on top of the stove, and they put their faces in front of those crinkly things with lots of words on them. That's pretty much the score today as the weather is grey and sprinkly.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sleepy Sunday
It is sleepy Sunday around here. Usually I sleep, the people sleep and drink that rancid stuff that drips on top of the stove, and they put their faces in front of those crinkly things with lots of words on them. That's pretty much the score today as the weather is grey and sprinkly.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What Would You Do If You Could Get Away With It?

The first thing I would do is chase the coyote who lives up the block a little bit farther away! Here is a picture of him taken by a neighbor a few months ago. It is winter now and I think he would like a nice, cute geezer cat for breakfast or maybe a snack.
Another thing I would do if there were no consequences is give a big cat kiss to Lady, my cousin. She belongs to Auntie Estelle, the most wonderful animal lover (even if it is dogs!) in the world. Auntie Estelle saved Lady from being euthanized, after 2 other families took Lady back to the pound because she was too much for them. Auntie Estelle worked her special magic on Lady and she is sort of well behaved now. Lady would have hundreds of ideas about how to respond to this post! As you see, Lady has a great big smile now because she ended up with the best person in the universe.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
MuffinMindi Gave Me An Award! Here is the place on Mindi's blog where she gave me the award. It is called the "You Make My Day Award". The Food Lady is still working with very rudimentary tech skills, so she has to learn how to make the linkie thing say Muffinmindi and direct people to her site. We got some good tips in the last comments from the blogging cats, but we wanted to get this post up before too much time passed.
The award is given to cats whose blogs bring happiness and inspiration to others, and make you happy about blogland. Thank you so much, Muffinmindi! I was feeling sad and alone last week. You and the other cats have made me feel much better and have given good tips to the tech dunce who runs this thing for me!
I have to give the award to up to ten other cats. I give this award to Caesar and Prinnie's Happy Place, It is a very hard time for them because Caesar has gone to the Bridge. But Caesar and Prinnie's blog shows the best of the catblogosphere right now. There are lots of very kind and compassionate cats and people on the blogosphere.
I also give the award to Maddie, whose blog is called "I Crap in a Box" - Maddie's blog is one of the funniest cat blogs on the net. If you haven't read it, stop by and have a read. Maddie has lots of good ideas for activities for indoor cats!
If you've read my post about the Pink People who live next door, I have an update. Some new people came to live there for a while. They have a pit bull now. That is what has made me worried about going outside. The last time they had pit bulls they attacked the neighbor's gardener, and the dogs had to be put to sleep. I think I will be staying inside until the dog leaves.
Thanks again to everyone who stopped by to offer encouragement and give tips. We'll be by to say hi to you all some more too.