Saturday, January 30, 2010

Farewell, My Friends

Dear Friends,

Halloween went to the Rainbow Bridge this morning. She was home with us for two days. On Thursday and Friday, she was very quiet, and did not seem to be in pain. She ate a tiny bit of baby food - thanks for that advice - and some vanilla ice cream. But that was it. She wouldn't drink any water. She went to the back door several times, so we took her out on the deck and into the back yard where she could see her trees and garden, the domain over which she presided, for 17-1/2 very happy years. She looked at all of it with great interest and also threw one last despising glance at Slinky. Slinky the Interloper Cat responded by coming and sitting on the back deck yesterday morning. I don't know if he was trying to be supportive in Halloween's last hours, or scheming about his future plans!

I slept on the couch with her these last several nights, where she was on her heaty pad. Last night, I woke up and found her under the kitchen table. That's her safe place - where she went when she did not want to be bothered. This morning she got very sick and cried when I picked her up. She cried several more times and that was it. The vet came to our house and put Halloween to sleep while we petted her and talked to her. We are so very, very sad.

We want to thank all of the wonderful people and kitties who sent us purrs and prayers this last week. We read them all to Halloween. It meant so much to us to know that you all shared our love, concern and sorrow. Halloween was a very sweet kitty, and she was particularly devoted to me, her Food Lady. I still remember the day I saw her feral mama push her away when she tried to eat along with her feral littermates. From then on, she was ours. She loved me very much and comforted me and the Food Dude many times over the years. She was the best companion imaginable.

I want to thank every single one of you for the love and kindness we've found on the CB. What a remarkable group of people and cats!

A special thanks to these cats and their people, for all your friendship and kindness since we started posting:

Thanks to Beezer and Milton for being such good friends to me, and especially helping the Tech Dunce Food Lady to figure out how to actually do the linkie thingie - even though it took several years for her to figure it out! The kitties waved to each other across the hills of San Francisco, and their mama beans were able to spend time together and became friends.

Thanks to the cats of the North Woods in Canada, Wisconsin, Michigan and upstate New York, whose pictures of their places in the woods reminded the Food Lady of the places where she grew up. You have all been great and kind friends, and always there with kind words and support. We cannot thank you enough. These kitties and beans would be: Mickey, Georgia and Tillie, Goldie, Shade and Banshee, the Island Cats, Zippy, Sadie and Speedy, and the Meezers and Billy Sweetfeets.

Thanks to the Ohio kitties who also were such good CB friends, and gave helpful advice and support on many occasions: Parker and Family, and Mr. Hendrix.

Thanks to the grate Jeter Harris and his mom for coming to visit us and bringing flat Jeter across the continent. The evening with all the CB folks was wonderful, and meeting Jeter's mom was wonderful too. Thanks for all the love and good wishes.

And last but certainly not least, thanks to Skeezix and my love, Rocky the Gutter Cat, and their Food Lady and Mr. Tasty Face (who is indeed very tasty!) because without them, Halloween wouldn't have had a blog to begin with. They have given us lots of help and advice, and shoulders to cry on in these last few days.

Thanks to all the folks and kitties who make the CB work every day. You've sent emails, made badges for the blogs, kept the kitties up to date about Halloween's progress, and have been so helpful and kind.

We will keep track of you and stop in to say hello from time to time.

One final note: Amazingly, I've noticed a feral calico in the neighborhood recently. She just walked up on the deck to take a look at Halloween's nip plant. She's VERY PREGNANT! Hmmmm......

We loved Halloween so much. Thanks for making her life and our lives better.

Halloween's Food Lady and Food Dude


Fat Eric said...

We are so sorry to hear that Halloween had to go to the Bridge, but glad that she got to have so many great years with you, her people. Thinking of you at this time.
Fat Eric and mum, Kate

Mouchois said...

Bless you for doing all that you did for dear Halloween. I've been praying so hard for her and your family.
She'll make an absolutely wonderful little angel.

The Island Cats said...

Oh, we are so sad to hear about Halloween...our eyes are leaking. We are happy that we got to know her...she was a special kitty. Food Lady, we hope you can find some comfort in the fact that she is not suffering anymore...and is running free and happy at the Bridge with all the ones that have come before like our Bogart and Scooter. We send you comforting headbutts and purrs to help you all through this sad time...

Wally, Ernie, Zoey & mom Sue

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

My family and I are sad to hear about Halloween. Even tho, Halloween was sad to leave you, another angel was needed. I like how she saw her garden one more time--and it's a comfort to know, Halloween will there every minute of every day--to watch over YOU.

Now, at night, when all is quiet, you will hear a familiar purr...


Psalms 50:15

Anonymous said...

We have been thinking about you and hoped you would come home for your final days, you were a loved kitty and we wish you luck as you go on your journey.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

I'm so sad to read this, sweet Halloween at the Bridge, but at least she is no longer suffering. She is running, happy and free, with all of Those Who Came Before. And we are left with a big Halloween-shaped hole in our hearts.
Eventually, they say, the happy memories will almost fill that hole.
We are so grateful to have known her, for your sharing her with all of us in the Cat Blogosphere.
We are sending you purrs and purrayers to comfort you.
Love & Purrs,
KC and Missy Blue Eyes and Faith Boomerang and Sol and Smokey and BJ and Mommy ML

Sweet Purrfections said...

I am so sorry that Halloween went to the bridge. I hope she is without pain now and enjoying playing with all of her CB furriends who went before her. I am sending special purrs to you as you go through the sadness of losing her.

The Meezers or Billy said...

our mom lady and us are sobbing furry hard - we are so very very sorry that Halloween has gone to the Bridge. we are shur that our Trixie and Norton and Ralphie were there to greet her with the rest of the CB Rainbow kitties.
{{{{HUGS}}}} to you HalloweensMomandDad. We loves you.

Halloween, we absolutely will not say goodbye, you will be in our hearts forever. Instead, we will just say Until we meet at the Bridge

Cory said...

My whole family is so sad that the Bridge needed another angel and Halloween had to go. She had a wonderful life with you and she had so many wonderful friends.


Cory and family

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Godspeed Halloween, when it's our turn to go to the Bridge we hope to meet yoo there and we can all have a big party. We heard that you've already sent a cat in need to yoor beans very nice that you've devised a plan to help a fellow kitty and your beans at the same time. Mr & Mrs Halloween's mom and dad, we hope and purray dat da good memories of sweet Halloween help to heal yoor hearts.

marg said...

We are so sorry that Halloween had to go over the bridge. But like everyone else said, she will find lots of friends up there and feel great and be able to run around all over the place. The food lady and food dad sure did give her a good home and we are so glad you let her come home for her final days. Thinking about you and your loss.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are very sorry to hear of Halloweens passing. But we are glad she livedsuch a long life with such an adoring family. We think that she is already sendingyou a message....seeings as there is a pregnant Momcat nearby.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

OH NO! We are sooooo sorry to hear about Halloween passing. She had so many wonderful years with such a great family! She knew she was loved!

Take comfort in knowing that Halloween is now taking care of you from up above just as you took care of her for 17 1/2 years while she was here on earth.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Sending hugs from across the bay.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sad that Halloween had to go over the Bridge. Take comfort knowing that she is without pain and running carefree with her friends who went before, and that she was able to spend her last days in her own home which she loved and where she knew unconditional love. We send comforting purrs to all her family.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer beanz,
i'm so sorree to heer abowt halloween'z trip to da bridge. i hope she meetz mi sistah kallie dere.
mi mom iz so sad. she told me dat halloween wuz one uv da nicest catz she ever met. an i hav to say, she wuz verree byootiful.
mi mom sezd dat u shood keep a eye on dat calico cat. she thinkz halloween, herself, sent fer her.
maybe she'z rite.
i'm sendin u all mi luv.
every bit uv it.

yer grate an loyal frend--jh

Honey P. Sunshine said...

oh noos, mommie has been checkin in on halloween's blog multiple time a day to hear any noos. we are so sorry dat she iz a angel now and yoo can not here her purrs. she will send yoo a nice new baby when she findz jus da rite wun fur yoo

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Snuggles, purrs and tears from Illinois,
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are so sorry. 17 1/2 years with a lovely cat like Halloween. What a blessing. We know you are missing her and we will miss reading her posts. Thank you so much for sharing her with all of her admirers.

Warm purrs and tail wags from all of us.

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw, Patches, and their mom, Lizzy said...

We are so saddened to learn of dis news. We neffur got da chance to know Halloween, an jus learned of her on da CB wif da reqwests fur purrs.
We iz sorry dat all da purrs couldn't save her, but we iz glad she had so many years wif a loving fureffur home.
We see you lives in SF, an dat iz where our mom grew up..and we lives across da by frum der now.
(waving paws..)

We hopes da new calico kitty helps ease your pain, an we knows dat our sisfur Soot was waiting wif so many odder kitteh angels to greet your sweet Halloween across da bridge.

Purrs, headbutts an nosetaps from the "Talk With The Paws" crew, who is sad dat we nefur got to meets you.

Parker said...

The Rainbow Bridge will be in absolute awe. Halloween will have all of the animals waiting on her hand and paw just because of her sweet nature and her beauty.
Please know a candle burns tonite in O Hi O to make sure she has enough light to get her to the Bridge.
Godspeed Halloween and healing (((hugs))) to your 'rents.
If you would not mind, may we have your email and snail mail addresses? We would like to do something in Halloween's memory.
Perfectly Parker and family.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We only just met Halloween and now she is gone, flying free. But our mewmie said your tribute to her and having the strength to tell us her story while your hearts are breaking, was very very moving to her. She is a vet tech and she knows all you went through to do the best for Halloween and we know she knew how loved she was, and will be, to you forever.

Our hearts are aching for you tonight and we send healing purrs to you...

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear that Halloween had to go to The Bridge. Please know that you'll be in our purrs and purrayers. Codspeed, dear Halloween, Codspeed.
~Tristan, Crikey and Angela

Forever Foster said...

We are so sorry to hear that Halloween had to cross over to the Bridge. We are sending soft purrs and paw pats, and a great big hug from mum.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

17 and a half years. Halloween was an absolutely beautiful girl and she had the very best life.
We are positively certain that our Caesar and Princess were there at the front of the crowd to welcome her.

I am so glad that your vet came to your home. Ours also offered to come to Princess and help her if necessary but she was comfortable. This is all we want, to give them the most gentle passing to Rainbow Bridge. They have given us so much

We will be praying for all of you.
It has been quite a week. Rest your hearts. You are in our thoughts and loved

Rosemary and Pierro

Anonymous said...

We understand how good it is to know there are many other bloggers who care. It means a lot to know you're not alone. Sending you comforting vibes and purrayers... you will always have many good memories of life with Halloween.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry about sweet Halloween. We know your loss id breaking your heart. We did know know her or you well, but are sending purrs and gentle head bumps to you in the time of such sorrow.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are very sorry that Halloween had to go. We are sending you lots of comforting purrs and thoughts. We know that is must be very hard for you right now.

Angel Simba said...

My Mom and I are so very sorry. It is better Halloween did not suffer too much, though. 17 1/2 is a long life for you to have many memories of.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It is with tears of sadness that we send our sympathies for the loss of dear sweet Halloween. What a wonderful life you gave her and this post was a very special send off.

(((HUGS))) to you all.

GLOGIRLY said...

Our hearts are hurting for you as you are missing your sweet Halloween. What a wonderful life you have given her and what love you've shown each other. We know she'll be missed and never forgotten.

Maybe, just maybe, that pregnant calico is an angel.

Bless you,
Glogirly & Katie

Milton said...

I's so verry sad. I knows that Miss Halloween was a very inpurrtant kitty.

Mine own foodlady told me that she and Beezer, who came before, were good friends and would wave at each other across town.
I knows that Beezer was waving her across the bridge, so she wouldn't be scarred. and she have a good friend to meet her.

I gots ta go mine foodlady has leaky eyes and I has to go give her purrs and lick them all away.

Purrs to the Halloween's good people.


The Florida Furkids said...

We have sad hearts and leaky eyes here. We're so sorry that Halloween had to go to the Bridge. We are sending prayers, purrs and headbonks to you in your time of sorrow.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Halloween, we are so, so sorry you had to venture on to the Rainbow Bridge, but we are so happy you had such a long and loved life with your beans that loved you so much. We are purring and purraying for those you left behind, but we know you will be the most special Angel for them ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

We are very sorry to hear the news from Zippy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. Although we only came to know Halloween in her last days, we appreciate how much she was and is loved.

RIP, sweet one. We will meet againg at the Bridge one day.

Pip said...

I am so sad to hear that your beautiful girl went to the bridge. My hart has a hurt and my eyes have a leaks for your loss.
I'm sure she will be fine until you can go get her and be together furever.

We purrs fur the Food Lady and her Dude.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I've also khome from Zippy's blog -

We are sorry fur your loss BUT my mom is furry proud that woo gave Halloween the best gift a human khan give: letting 'us' go when it is time - we know it is nevFUR time fur woo BUT we appreciate the khrossing with dignity.

Thank woo fur listening to and seeing her messages that she was ready -

PeeEssWoo: Nice omen of 'things' to khome!

meemsnyc said...

We are so sorry to hear about Halloween. Our hearts and purrs are with you!

RoySr said...

We are saddened to read of Halloween's trip to Rainbow Bridge. Our Large One just added the kitty tool bar from Melivin's place this evening and read all about the sadness in your family. Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Smokey, Tegar, Spooky and Rowdy send their best wishes for Halloween's trip, and hope that the memories will soothe the hurts and the pains you have for her passing.

If I may, I'm thinking maybe the little pregnant kitty that was on the porch just might be sent there for to help soothe the loss.

The best wishes from the 6 Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor, SouthWoodsUSA.

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Oh Halloween! I'ma so so so sad to hear youza no longer here in our San Franfuncisco but I know youza in a good place at The Rainbow Bridge and youza gonna make the mostest BeeYOUteeFull Angel cat ever. Be shure you looks over our City of San Fran -
GUIDO and his Momma

Just Ducky said...

Farewell Halloween, we shall meet again someday at The Bridge.

Lots of purrs and hugs to your beans, she will live on in your heart.

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, we is furry sorry that dear halloween hadda leave fur the bridge. what a wunnerful life you had together! we sends you our mos' condolin' hugs an' whiskery kisses, an' will purr for you an' yer fambly even more now.

an' we finks it's no coinkydink 'bout that tortie mamacat. halloween saw you in yer sadness, an' nudged her ofur your way. we hopes anofur long an' lovin' cat-tale is beginnin'.

wif love,
ed, nitro, xing lu, iggy, dbd, an' meower mom & dad

Aneeter said...

I am sorry she is gone. I know you will see her again.

Percy the Cat said...

We are so sorry for your loss.

But Halloween had such a nice long time with you all, and she will be content at the Rainbow bridge.

Love and hugs,
Percy, Pandora and Zowie.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I can't even tipe becuz I can't beeleeve yer gone. I'll leeve a speshul emty pillow heer in my harum to reemember yoo by. Save a nice spot in the sun at The Bridge for me. I'm sending all the purrs I can muster over the Bay to yer peeple.

Rocky the Gutter Cat

Poppy Q said...

We were sad to hear that your sweet girl had to go to the Bridge,we know you must be heartbroken. What a lovely post about your wonderful lives together, and I am sure your angel will be watching over you if you open your heart and home to another lovely kitty.

Smooches and hugs
Julie and Poppy Q

Ikaika said...

We are so sorry that sweet Halloween had to leave you and go to the Bridge. But she knew how loved she was and we agree with the other kitties that she sent the mama tortie your way. She's looking after you still ...

Gentle purrs and comforting thoughts,

'Kaika and his mom

Karen Jo said...

I am so very sorry that Halloween had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. She had a long and wonderful life with you and felt your love every day. I think she must have sent the pregnant calico your way.

Kaz's Cats said...

We're so sorry that the Rainbow Bridge need such a beautiful kitty like Halloween. It's been hard to type this through our tears, and we never actually met Halloween in purrson...we can't imagine how hard it is for you both, dear Food Lady and Food Dude. It was so nice that Halloween got to go outside to see her territory (and Slinky hehehehe) after all the guarding and patrolling that she's done over the years. It is like she's sent another kitty to look after you both now that she had to move on. It's okay to be sad that she's gone, but please try to remember all of the good times, especially in the midst of your pain.

{{{Big hugs}}}

Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

Pamela said...

I am sorry you lost this beautiful friend.

Teddy Westlife said...

I am very sorry to hear about Halloween. I send you my best purrs.

Milo and Alfie said...

Sincere condolances for the loss of Halloween. We know you will be hurting but try to hold on to those lovely memories of Halloween's 17 1/2 happy years.

Blessings and Purrs.

Daisy said...

I'm so sorry Halloween had to go to the Bridge. My sincerest condolences and soft purrs to you during this sad time.

Nikita Cat said...

Daddy & I are so sorry to learn of the passing of your dear Halloween.

Yet we are happy as well, because we know she no longer feels any pain, and will romp, and play, in Rainbow Bridge, until that fateful day when she looks off into the distance, and sees a familiar person coming toward her, and you will be re-united at last, and forever.

Everycat said...

Fly free at The Bridge Halloween sweetheart. We are so sorry you had to leave but we know you will always be looking over your family and sending them love and sweet memories of your very good and long life on earth.

Rumbly purrs and love

Whicky Wuudler
& The Mum

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I have weepy wet whiskers with the news of sweet Halloween. Thanks so much for sharing her with all of us so that we can remember her forever.

Cat with a Garden said...

Farewell, sweetest Halloween. We must say that you had a crossing every cat could wish for: at home in your ususal environment and with your very loved people. Run free at the bridge! We find comfort knowing you had such a happy and long life and that you are without pain now.
Lots of love and purrs to your family,
Siena & Chilli

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are so sad to hear Halloween has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We know you will miss her sooooooooo very much........we send purrs and hugs to her family in hopes they will give you some comfort. xxxxxxxxx

The Whiskeratti said...

We are very sorry for your loss.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh we is so sorry that Halloween hadta go to tha Bridge. She be a bootiful angel now. We is sending yoo lotsa purrs for yore sads.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

KitKat said...

We are so sorry to learn Halloween went to the Bridge. We are sending purrs and gentle hugs your way to comfort you. We don't have a blog but are good friends with Parker and Miss Peach.
We are sorry for your sadness.
Bridge Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady

Anonymous said...

Good fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear that your dear Halloween left for the Bridge. She will be missed by all. We liked to visit since our Chica is a senior tortie too, a little older than Halloween. Our hearts are with you in your loss.

jmuhj said...

We are friends of Skeezix and we just wanted to offer our deepest condolences to you for the loss of your beauty Halloween. Thank you for rescuing, loving, and keeping her comfortable, fed, and happy for 17 1/2 wonderful years. We are all rescued, too, and our Meowm always rescues someone else when one of our furmily has to go on ahead. She knows it's the best tribute she can pay to carry on the love. We pray that little pregnant calico mom and her family will be safe and loved for life.

All the very best to you, and big, rumbly purrs, The Fabulous Flakerz and their meowm

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We have not met before but read about Halloween going to the Bridge on The Island Cats' blogs, and wanted to stop by and pay our requests. Losing old and dear friends is a heart-wrenching experience. We can imagine your pain and offer up our purrs.

From everyone at
The Poupounette

ZOOLATRY said...

We share your sadness. And we hope Halloween will find comfort and joy across the bridge...

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So so sorry to hear you lost your sweet lovely Halloween. God speed to the bridge little one..I am a big believer in the circle of life and fate. That little calico may be bringing you a little surprise.. Love GJ and Carol x

Forty Paws said...

We are so sorry that Halloween had to leave for The Bridge. We know that she is happy and free and full of poodin spirit now that she is with all of the ones who have gone before. We are sending you many hugs and purrs and purrayers.

Luf, Us and Maw

Kimo and Sabi said...

Mommakitty and us cried and cried - you will all meet again someday. Purrrrs and hugs.

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

We're so sorry that Halloween had to leave you and go to the Bridge. It sounds like she had a wonderful life with you and was very loved.

Sending gentle purrs,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Jana said...

we are very sorry to hear about halloween... god bless you for giving her a loving home... much aloha, kolohe and prada

"The Boys" and Karen said...

"The Boys" and I are so sorry to learn about Halloween.

You and your family and she were lucky to have each other for so long. As it seems you brought each other such great joy.

She'll always be in your heart.

Freya's Staff said...

We're all so very very sorry to hear. It brought back all sorts of memories about Scampie, and how we felt in her last days. so we really feel for you right now.

I remember a kind of relief when Scampie went to the bridge, and I really felt that I wasn't crying because she was going to leave me, I was crying because she was in pain. When she went, I actually found it a lot easier to cope.

Halloween is now totally cured, and young and healthy! She's loving her new life, and I hope she says hai to Scampie too.

With lots of love from
Chris, Anna, Freya, and Teego.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so sorry to hear about sweet Halloween. She was one of the first friends we made when we started blogging and we will miss her very much. We always enjoyed it when she stopped by for a visit. She was so well loved and had a wonderful home and family. She will be sharing her loveliness with those already at The Bridge. The PM is not home but was thinking about her so she checked the CB from her sister's.

Farewell Halloween, until we meet again.

Purrs and {{hugs}},
Goldie, Shade, Banshee and PM Danica

Quill and Greyson said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Deep purrs and Mom hugs during this difficult time. Maybe Halloween is sending you a new kitten after all.

SophieKitty said...

Our eyes are leaky after reading your post. What a beautiful tribute to Halloween. She is now healthy and having fun at the Bridge.

We hope you and your fambly find some peace and comfort.


Our deepest purrs for Halloween going to visit the Bridge...what a wonderful life she has shared with you -- such love and affection -- tears and memories, as beautiful as she was.
We will keep you in our purrayers.

Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie & Mom Debra

Temporary Homes
Carrie Underwood

Old man, hospital bed
The room is filled with people he loves
And he whispers don't cry for me
I'll see you all someday
He looks up and says "I can see God's face."

"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This was just a stop,on the way To where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this was
My temporary home."

This is our temporary home.

Mr. R.W. Emerson said...

Mommie and I are very sad to hear of Halloween's passing. We know that she was much loved by her family. May you cherish all of her beautiful memories.

~Emerson & his Mommie Nancy

Mickey's Musings said...

WE are so sorry that Halloween went to the Bridge :(
However, we are very glad that she was wonderfully spoiled for 17 1/2 years!! We are so happy that we got to know her and Mickey treasures the big bad of catnip she sent him a long time ago :)
We will send you BIG purrs as we know that you are sad.
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We are so, so sad that Halloween went to the Bridge. She was the spiciest of the Spicy Vixens an' her presence in the blogosphere will be sorely missed. I will always remember her ...

Our condolences an' some sincere purrs to you as you remember all of the wonderful times that you shared.

DaisyMae Maus, the Feline Americans, and Jessica

Team Tabby said...

We know that Halloween and our furcousins Mickey, Georgia and Tillie were very good friends. We are so very sorry to hear of her passing. We hope the memories of her long life will keep you comforted.

Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike

Victor Tabbycat said...

We is furry sorry to see Halloween leaf us, but we noes she haded da bestest of lifes here wif her beans an misses you, too. Her was a bootiful, brave kitteh.
Purrs an nosekisses,
Victor, Nina, & Tabbymom Jen

Tiger Lily said...

Oh we are so very sorry to learn that Halloween had to leave you. She was just a wonderful kitteh and we know you will miss her very much. You gave her so much love and she gave her love right back to you. We hope your memories of happy times with Halloween will help you through this difficult time.


prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and gentle tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi and Tiger Lily

Mr. Hendrix said...

We just don't know what to say. We are so very sorry for your loss and hope you take comfort in knowing that Halloween took all your love and all her happy memeories of you with her to the Bridge. We know her spirit will visit you often to bring you comfort and smiles as she loved you dearly too for 17 1/2 years.

You are in our thoughts and prayers during this sad time and hope you will keep in contact. After all, we didn't just love Halloween, we love you too!! ((hugs))

Unknown said...

We are so sad to hear the news about Halloween. She was a beautiful sweet girl and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo, Honey & Pinkie

Motor Home Cats said...

We were so sorry to hear that your Halloween ran off for the bridge. We know you will miss her very much. We will be purring for you.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are so very sorry that Halloween had to go to the Bridge. Sending you many comforting purrs.

meowmeowmans said...

We are so very sorry to hear of Halloween's passing. Thank you for loving her so much and so well. Surely she will be waiting to greet you at the Rainbow Bridge. Purrs and prayers.

The Creek Cats said...

We wanted to stop in and let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers during this very sad time. We are very sorry for your loss.

Catline Crew said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mike Serena Tabatha Elsa Ginger Tyson said...

Halloween is a sweet angel, we are so sad; we had been purraying for her to be healed after reading 'Jeter Harris'. But we believe Rainbow Bridge needed her beauty for the skies to brighten up, for all of us to see - and to remember and never forget her: the Lovely Halloween. x o

Mr. Hendrix said...

That is a beautiful new header in memory of Halloween. purrrrrrrrrrrrrs

Tyler said...

We are so very very sorry to read of Halloween's passing. You are in our hearts and we wish you healing memories of all the good times. Mom's face is leaking like all the other cat lovers who know what it's like to lose that best friend. Be well.

Fambly kittens said...

All of us send you much love and many tender thoughts. There is never, ever a good time to say good-bye to someone we love. Sending our deepest condolences.

The Island Cats said...

We just stopped by again to let you know we're thinking of you all and hope you are doing okay...from all the cats and humans that have left their condolences, you can see how well loved sweet Halloween was!

Purrs and headbutts....

caspersmom said...

I am so sorry that your beloved Halloween has passed. She was a very pretty kitty. Purrs and prayers for your family. It is always so sad to loose a beloved furry friend. God Bless.

Casper and Crew

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, what a beautiful graphic you've added. She will, indeed, purr forever in your hearts, just as Crystal will in ours.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sad to hear that Halloween went over the Bridge. Our best purrs to you.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello Food Lady and Food Dude.
We are just dropping by to check on you to make sure you are OK.
We hope you are able to remember all the good times you had with Halloween and that the hurt will soon pass.Hugs to you both!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, and glad that she didn't suffer. Halloween is beautiful and looks a lot like my Ginger who is already at the Bridge.

Anonymous said...
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