Friday, February 6, 2009

Incredible ShamWow Eating Cat!

Here is my new House Panther friend. He lives near Sacramento, California. I call him ShamMeow! His Food Lady made a big roast beef the other day. And the good beef juices ran down the platter and onto the shamwow. The shamwow was just sitting there waiting for some smart cat to eat it. And ShamMeow did. As you can see, ShamMeow is no worse for this adventure. But the shamwow suffered serious damage. ShamMeow suggests that other cats simply jump up on the counter and eat the unattended roast. The shamwow is a tad bit tough on the digestive system.


The Meezers or Billy said...

wow! we never thought about eating our shamwow's

Milton said...

Ho-ho-holy smoke!
Dat must be a little hard on da ol' pooper.

Some kitty should tell him its much better if ya waits till all the yummy juices is poured on da bakes potatoes. Wif butters and da juices --- noe dats eatin'!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi ShamMeow! I'll bet that fabric tasted soooooooooooo good. mmmm beef juice mmmmm

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Happy VD, Halloween!

Anonymous said...

tastes like chicken.....

The Kitty City Gazette said...

oh god! shamwow eater! you gotta see it to believe it!