Ahhh. This is a good, toasty, soft napping spot. Hopefully the Food Dude will not be yelling alot and waking me up today!
The People have started calling the Grey Cat "Slinky". She is always slinkin' around my yard and deck. But she seems to stay down in the back yard somewhere these days, so I am happy about that. She doesn't try to come inside any more. I think the Food Dude visits her in the morning. I'm happy as long as she keeps her distance and doesn't try to come in and eat my food.
Back to sleep....
Hey, Halloween, thanks fur dropping by. Mind if I cuddle a littul bit?
You found the purrfect napping spot! Lucky you!
Hi Halloween,you look mighty comfy in that spot!!!!
So,the little grey cat is still hanging around! I guess that's proof that you are in the best,most friendly cat house !!!!!!!
Have a great snooze too ;)
Purrs Mickey
Hi ya Halloween!
I loves ta snuggle in the bed on the comforter & pillows too! It never lasts long enough, though. Its always -- "I gotta make the bed!" or the rug monster gets dragged through or sumpin'. Sheesh. I'm startin' ta get sleepy lookin' at ya, I gotta go have a nap mineself.
I hope your nap goes well today!
ooooooo, nice napping spot. bunched up comforters are the best!
Happy nappy Halloween...if dad yells to loud maybe yoor mom could do what ours does and yell at him to "shut up".
Hi! You do look nice and cozy. My daddy didn't get to loud on Sunday. I think he was more resigned. We watched the second half together. sigh. I really wanted the birdies to win.
I hope Slinky is OK and has food. I'm with you, she should NOT take your toys and food tho.
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