Dear Friends,
Halloween went to the Rainbow Bridge this morning. She was home with us for two days. On Thursday and Friday, she was very quiet, and did not seem to be in pain. She ate a tiny bit of baby food - thanks for that advice - and some vanilla ice cream. But that was it. She wouldn't drink any water. She went to the back door several times, so we took her out on the deck and into the back yard where she could see her trees and garden, the domain over which she presided, for 17-1/2 very happy years. She looked at all of it with great interest and also threw one last despising glance at Slinky. Slinky the Interloper Cat responded by coming and sitting on the back deck yesterday morning. I don't know if he was trying to be supportive in Halloween's last hours, or scheming about his future plans!
I slept on the couch with her these last several nights, where she was on her heaty pad. Last night, I woke up and found her under the kitchen table. That's her safe place - where she went when she did not want to be bothered. This morning she got very sick and cried when I picked her up. She cried several more times and that was it. The vet came to our house and put Halloween to sleep while we petted her and talked to her. We are so very, very sad.
We want to thank all of the wonderful people and kitties who sent us purrs and prayers this last week. We read them all to Halloween. It meant so much to us to know that you all shared our love, concern and sorrow. Halloween was a very sweet kitty, and she was particularly devoted to me, her Food Lady. I still remember the day I saw her feral mama push her away when she tried to eat along with her feral littermates. From then on, she was ours. She loved me very much and comforted me and the Food Dude many times over the years. She was the best companion imaginable.
I want to thank every single one of you for the love and kindness we've found on the CB. What a remarkable group of people and cats!
A special thanks to these cats and their people, for all your friendship and kindness since we started posting:
Thanks to
Beezer and
Milton for being such good friends to me, and especially helping the Tech Dunce Food Lady to figure out how to actually do the linkie thingie - even though it took several years for her to figure it out! The kitties waved to each other across the hills of San Francisco, and their mama beans were able to spend time together and became friends.
Thanks to the cats of the North Woods in Canada, Wisconsin, Michigan and upstate New York, whose pictures of their places in the woods reminded the Food Lady of the places where she grew up. You have all been great and kind friends, and always there with kind words and support. We cannot thank you enough. These kitties and beans would be:
Mickey, Georgia and Tillie,
Goldie, Shade and Banshee,
the Island Cats,
Zippy, Sadie and Speedy, and the
Meezers and Billy Sweetfeets.
Thanks to the Ohio kitties who also were such good CB friends, and gave helpful advice and support on many occasions:
Parker and Family, and
Mr. Hendrix.
Thanks to the grate
Jeter Harris and his mom for coming to visit us and bringing flat Jeter across the continent. The evening with all the CB folks was wonderful, and meeting Jeter's mom was wonderful too. Thanks for all the love and good wishes.
And last but certainly not least, thanks to
Skeezix and my love,
Rocky the Gutter Cat, and their Food Lady and Mr. Tasty Face (who is indeed very tasty!) because without them, Halloween wouldn't have had a blog to begin with. They have given us lots of help and advice, and shoulders to cry on in these last few days.
Thanks to all the folks and kitties who make the CB work every day. You've sent emails, made badges for the blogs, kept the kitties up to date about Halloween's progress, and have been so helpful and kind.
We will keep track of you and stop in to say hello from time to time.
One final note: Amazingly, I've noticed a feral calico in the neighborhood recently. She just walked up on the deck to take a look at Halloween's nip plant. She's VERY PREGNANT! Hmmmm......
We loved Halloween so much. Thanks for making her life and our lives better.
Halloween's Food Lady and Food Dude