Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thanks to the Kitties and Beans

Thanks to all the kitties and beans for making my People behave. Here I am waiting for the Food Dude to throw me a piece of chicken. I need lots of attention. I also need my People to respond to all my commands. Thanks to all of your comments, I am now in total control of this household. Whining, pawing, grumbling - whatever I do - I get my way. I may be a geezer cat, but I rule in this household! Thanks to all of you!


Reese =^..^= said...

Glad we could help! Now they have their priorities straight.

Parker said...

As it should be!

The Island Cats said...

You're welcome, Halloween! Us kitties got to stick together...one day we will rule the world!

Mr. Hendrix said...

i say feed the kitty whatever she wants! maybe your mommy can put a chair for you next to hers for you to eat on? that might save her legs. she could put you up when they sit to eat!

you should rule the roost Halloween! you've earned it.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I did reed reesintly that geezer cats git more vocal and need more attenshun. So milk it fur all it's werth!