Here is my new catnip plant. My people put it in the front yard and protected it so it would get really big and healthy before they gave it to me. Isn't it great? But what is not so great is that since it went up on the back deck, there has been a general cat alert in the neighborhood and all the other cats are coming over to sample it! I have to protect my catnip from interlopers. Have any of you been over to try some of my nip?
And of course, Slinky the Grey Cat from next door is trying to get my nip plant. She thinks she is fooling me by hiding in my fountain, but I can see her from the deck. Sometimes Slinky is not very bright.
My day job is now Nip Plant Protector and Consumer. It is a good job. When I don't fall asleep....
We haz nip plants dat gits az big as a little car! Our momma planted dem outside in da ground and dey come back year after year after year. We yikes da nip frum our reely makez a kitty-catty happie! ☺
Well, you'll just have to harvest the nip and store it in sealable plastic bags so the other kitties can't get it! You deserves all the furesh nip you can get.
Looks like you have your paws full with those nip nappers. We don't blame you for staring the one kitty down.
Protect your plants at all costs - do not let any cat near it. FAZ
That plant does look good for nipping. I can see why other cats are sneaking in to try to get some.
Protect your nip plant against all odds! Halloween, it is a treasure for you only!
Oh're gonna be really busy keeping all the neighborhood cats away from your nip! We haven't been by to check it out...yet!
We haf nip growing down da hill and it gets HUGE! Der are 3 or 4 kitties dat go outside during da day around here and mom always knows dey is in da nip cuz dey is not careful about not jingling der bells and tags. She picks some fur us all summer and in da fall she cuts buches and dries it in da garage and den we get to haf nip all winter too!
Haha you can't share the nip! It's your stash!
Nothing beats fresh nip! You are one lucky feline Halloween!!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
We like your catnip plant, Halloween! Lucky you...your peeps are good to you. Keep gaurding!!!!!
Love Slick the black hunter cat!
I would say that Nip Plant Protector and Consumer is a super job !!!!
I bet it keeps you plenty busy too :) heehee
Good luck fighting off the cat poachers ;)
Purrs Mickey
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