Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Reclaimed My Back Yard!

Yay! As the top picture shows, Slinky the Cat is now sleeping on the steps of her house, right where she belongs. I chased her back there over and over this week, as the weather got nicer. She finally got the idea that she should stay there. You can see me by my big cedar tree where I like to sharpen my claws and climb. I can also roll in my grass with joy and abandon. Yes, my yard is mine again!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I Hate the VET!

I had to go to the V-E-T yesterday. I did not like it. I yowled all the way there and back. The Food Dude tricked me to get me into the cat box. Then I came home and this is where I am now - just leave me alone on the couch in my snuggly spot!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordy Wednesday Challenge

Thanks to the great folks and cats at Zoolatry for giving me my own picture and word - comforting! I am a good comfort cat. I hope all of you are too!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I've been busy chasing Slinky the Grey Cat out of my yard. I've also been chasing cat toys around the house. I'm sleeping in today!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Springtime in San Francisco

Hi everyone. I'm sleeping but my garden is blooming! See some of my pretty flowers. I hope you like them.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Rocky!!! Rocky, is that you eating out of that bowl in my back yard?? My heart is beating a mile a minute. I have a warm comfy snuggling spot all set up for you and nip on the back deck. Come back soon, and tell me before you come so I can get ready!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Slinky The Grey Cat's Still Here & Food Dude Recovery Report

Well, here's Slinky the Grey Cat. Still here. I found the food dish where she is being fed in MY backyard. She's always at the back door, whining to come in. Nope. No way.

We discovered that Slinky's owners now have a bird in their house. We can see it flying around when they are not home. So I guess they've decided Slinky can live outside because they have that bird flying around inside. That is not very nice! I do not like Slinky but he has a house of his own and his people should take care of him. I guess they got tired of him and got a bird. But if that bird is flying around the house all day, well I guess there's quite a bit of clean up to do later on.

Also, the Food Dude had serious surgery last week and was in the hospital for 5 days. That's a follow up to the problems he had over the last year, when so many cats and people purred for him. The surgery was a success but Food Dude also retired from a job he had for 25 years - public defender - a couple of days before the surgery. He's home being cared for by Food Lady, and by me! Here you can see me keeping him warm and making a funny face for him so he can laugh. When Food Dude needs extra love, we read the comments you all sent to him earlier in the year when he was very sick.
Make a funny face for someone or cat you love so that they know how you feel!