Sometime ago we received an award from Team Tabby at http://teamtabby.blogspot.com/
It is the Premio Dardos Award, as you can see above. Thank you very, very much Team Tabby. We are really proud of this award and apologize for taking so long to post it. Here's kitty head butts and purrs to all of you from me.
"With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words."
This label implies two rules: the first, link the blog to which he/she received the award. The second - pick blogs to deliver the prize." We would like to hand it on to:
Beezer Song http://beezersong.blogspot.com/ (Oops, hey Beezer's mombean, the FL needs a phone call refresher on the linkie thingie!)
The other picture of me and my catnip plant. I looooovvvve the catnip plant. I like to sit in it. I like to smother it. I like to eat its leaves and then run around the yard. The rains are starting to come though, so the catnip plant will soon be gone. I just wanted to show it to you before it went away for the winter.
One last exciting note: a raccoon got into the house a few weeks ago, but the Food Dude helped him back out with lots of yelling and noise-making. The raccoon ran into my back yard and started rolling around on my grass, like it was his personal playground. The Food Dude threw a plastic garbage can lid (small, very light, no harm intended) to try to scare the raccoon away. Raccoon decided FD had thrown him a toy and proceeded to play with it! The people put some bad smelling stuff in the yard that Raccoon does not like so he hasn't been back for a while. Good!