Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm Home from the Hospital

I came home from the hospital today - Thursday afternoon. I'm afraid the news from the vet is not good. My blood work is worse today than yesterday. I have liver failure. I am not eating or drinking. I did lick some vanilla ice cream off the Food Lady's fingers tonight, but I cried when they tried to give me some roast chicken. I am not hungry.

I am sitting on my heaty pad and getting lots of love and adoration from my People. They told me about all of your good wishes for me. Thank you.

The Food Lady is putting Lourdes water on me every hour and asking St. Bernadette and St. Francis to help heal me.

The vet says we will know by tomorrow if I have improved. If not, I will be resting, surrounded by all the love I could possibly want. Thank you for being such good friends to me and making my life such a happy one as we all got to know each other. And if I do have to go to the Bridge, please look out for my People, because they will be very, very sad, and they won't have me around to tell them what to do every day.

Purrs and paws to you all, especially my special Gutter Cat, Rocky.


  1. Oh dearest Miss Halloween! I am so glad you are home safe and resting well. There is no better place than home to be when one is under the spell of illness. Mommy tells me that you are very sick and not eating your foodies. I know this is a hard time for your family to try to tempt you to eat...I too am a very light eater and we are about the same age. You are a precious beauty and much loved....please know how much we hope that you rally.
    Much love to you from the cozy cottage and Misses Peach

  2. Halloween, we're purraying fur a miracle! We don't want yoo to go, but if yoo haf to know dis, we love yoo and will always love yoo. Not like yoor peepul love yoo but as our frend and a great kitty. If yoo haf to leave we will watch out fur yoor hoomans and we know yoo will too...remember, yoo will never really be gone, yoo'll just be in der hearts and ours.

  3. Halloween sweetheart, we are all purring very hard for you. You are a very good cat and have made the lives of your people warmer and brighter with the love you have shared with them. Being at home surrounded by their love is the best place to be. Even if you have to leave, you will never be gone from our hearts.

    Love and purrs

    & the Mum

  4. We are sorry that there is no good news Halloween, but we are very glad for you and your family that you are able to come home with them to surround yourself with their love. We are purring hard for a miracle for you.
    (((Hugs))) and purrs to you and your family.

  5. Halloween, I am so sad that you are sick. Please know that we are praying for you and for your family.
    Gentle hugs and soft purrs to you.

  6. Halloween, I am so sorry that you are so ill. I hope you will start to feel better now that you are home. Harley and I are linking paws and sending our very best purrs for you.

  7. We are so sorry to hear that the news was not good dear Halloween. Soak in all that love and heat. Rest our furriend, you little body needs it.

    Purring for you and your family,
    Goldie,Shade,Banshee and Danica

  8. We're purring for you and hope today brings improvement. We'll pray to St Francis too and Saint Jude for you.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  9. Sweet Halloween, we are sending purrs and love to you and your family.

  10. Halloween, we are very sad to hear this. We are purring for you and your humans. We are happy that you are home with them....surrounded by their love...and surrounded by all the love from us kitties in the Blogosphere...

  11. Oh Halloween, we wished the news would be other that this. We are so sad for your people as we can imagine how devasted they are. We have you in our thoughts, sweet one.
    Many, many purrs. Siena & Chilli

  12. Halloween, we are saying lots of prayers for a miracle for you. We are so glad that you are at home with your people who love you very much. We are all hoping for the best.

  13. Oh, Halloween. I am so very, very sorry that you are sick and not doing well. Mommy and I are all leaky-eyed. If going to The Bridge is what is best for you, then we hope the journey is an easy and peaceful one, but our hearts will ache for losing you, and ache for your beans for their loss.

    Mommy and I are purring and purraying for you . . . St. Francis is my mommy's favorite. She really hopes he helps you, Halloween. You are certainly a special and lovely ladycat.

  14. Dear Halloween, we are all purring and praying that you will feel better now that you are home. Mom is sending healing energy to you too. We love you!

  15. Dear Sweet Halloween
    We are very sorry to hear of your illness and we will purr our loudest that there is improvement in you today...we know how much your family is aching and worrying and we will send up purrayers for them. We will keep you all close to our hearts...

    purry purrs
    Abby & family

  16. We are so sorry you got bad news at the vet. Sending you our strongest purrs.

  17. Miss Halloween, we're glad you are at home with your people, so they can love on you and cuddle you. If you can, please try to eat a little bit - we know it might not taste too good right now.

    We're sending purrs and gentle butts for you and your family,

    Charlemagne and Tamar

  18. Dear Halloween. Your face looks relieved just to be home with your humans. Hopefully not eating is just from the stress of being away so long. I've read in other cat's comments for other situations that baby food is easy to eat and easy on the tummy. I know they have chicken flavors and stuff like that. Perhaps yogurt since you liked the icecream?
    We are purring and purring and praying for you to feel better and start eating.
    We are also purring comforting purrs for your beans. We will always be here for them!

    St. Gertrude of Nivelles is a Patron Saint of cats and we asked for her help and support for you as well. purrrrrrrrrs

  19. Halloween and your family,

    "The Boys" and I are so glad to know you are home and sleeping in your "own" bed!

    We hope you had a restful night and that today and all the days to come you are more and more on the mend.

    We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  20. You are in our thoughts and prayers pretty girl.

  21. Our hearts are breaking Halloween. Please try to eat a little - we want you to stay around to boss your people for a while yet. We're sending all our purrs and purrayers and positive thoughts to you and to your dear people.


    Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

  22. Oh, sweet Halloween, it is hard to type through the tears. We are hoping you won't have to go to the bridge. If you do, you will have many friends there to greet you, including our own Crystal. We send warm purrs and tail wags to you and your humans.

  23. We are purring and purraying for you and your people.
    Much love to you guys.

  24. Halloween, I'm purraying for a miracle. Healing purrs are being sent to you.

  25. Dear, sweet Halloween, we continue to purr for you. xxxxxxx

  26. I'm purring for you Halloween, you are sweet and wise.

  27. Sweet Halloween! You relax and enjoy all the pampering. You deserve every stroke!

    We're sending comforting purrs your way.

  28. oh, you Good Cat! precious girl, you are blessed and have blessed so many of us at catster an' onna cb. thank you fur being here for us so many times.

    east or west, home is best, an' we are glad you got there. you are right--you are (and will allus be) surrounded by all the love you could want. even when you leave fur the heavenly home, part of you will still be here wif us, your furriend. we send you soft hugs, and comforting love to yer fambly.

    edmund, nitro, xing lu, igmu, dbd, and meower mom & dad

  29. Dear sweetest Halloween, my sisters and I hope you rest peaceful and we know how much you are loved. All of your friends love you very much too and we are so glad to have you among our friends. All our love, Brian, Sascha, Gracie, Zoe and Dolly.

  30. Dear Halloween,we are so sorry that your liver is not making you feel good :( We will add our purrs to all the rest of the kitties in the hope you improve. For now, it is good that you are home and comfy with your people!
    We are very happy that we got to know you too :) You are a lovely, beautiful kitty.If you have to go,we will never forget you and will purr for your people.
    Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie

  31. From one tortie to another, I'm sending all my love your way.

  32. We just had to come over and meet the kitty that so many love. We are sorry we didn't know you sooner but we are purring our loudest for you to feel better, but you are a wise kitty and know what flying free is all about, too. You are in our thoughts, as is your family.

  33. Oh Dear Halloween, you are a very brave and good kitty and we are just glad that you are home with your favorite people.
    Getting all the love you need is really important.
    We are going to purr and pray for your whole family and especially you.

    headbonks and love always
    Rosemary and Pierro

  34. Purrs to you sweet Miss Halloween.

  35. Halloween we are sending you gentle purrs and hopes for your healing. Hugs to your mom too.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  36. Get better Halloween.
    You may not even realize how many lives you have touched. We are kind of quiet and don't post much but we loves reading you talented writer kitties. Please try to eat a little.

    We prays and purrs for you too.

  37. I am glad that you are home with your people. I hope and pray that you will improve and Herman sends his best healing purrs.

  38. {{{{{Miss Halloween}}}}}

    From Daddy & I both!

  39. Oh Halloween we are so sad for you and your family - we are sending you all lots and lots of purrs and prayers.

  40. halloween,
    we are glads yoo r at home where all da lufs r. we are purring for yoo

  41. Dear Halloween, I's purring fur you fur days an was just checking in to see how you be doing.
    I hopes you's snuggled up wif yours fambly and getting better.
    Love & Purrs,

  42. We came by to check on you, Halloween. We are thinking of you and your family. Warm purrs and tail wags.

  43. It’s hard when a pet, which is a beloved member of the family, dies after a few years of being a significant part of your life. I remember how my kid reacted when her pet rabbit died in its rabbit hutch last year. Too bad I never explained to her about the lifespan of rabbit which is 2 to 3 years only. Now I got her a dog for a pet.
